
Ann Taylor - doing their website right

I *love, love, love* the layout and functionality of Ann Taylor's website. Their web development team is *genius*. Here's a look at the site:

What are they doing right?

Large images

The images of each item are huge! This makes it super easy to see the details of each item. No real need for a "quick-view" or zoom. This makes browsing quicker and simpler, helping me pick out what I want to buy.

Consistent images

Each image is consistent. They have almost identical white space around each model, the models are the same height and width, and the background is the same color. This makes it really easy to focus on just the clothes in the photo.

Hover state

The hover state for each image is beautiful. The fade-in effect is slick. It gives me exactly the information I need, including the available colors and the price:

Every clothing website should take note of Ann Taylor's. This is superior browsing experience and should be considered a standard for online shopping.

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