
Buying clothes on a budget

You can find clothes anywhere from a dollar to ten thousand dollars. If I've learned nothing else from 'What Not to Wear', the price range doesn't matter all that much. And, as my 'Buy this, not that' posts have shown, you can often find similar styles at both discount and pricey stores. The key points are that you find clothes that fit and take care of them well.

First, try on all the clothes that you want to buy. Really examine how the clothes look on your body. Is the shirt too tight or too baggy? Are the jeans too long or too short? Turn around and look at how the clothes fit in the back - do they accentuate your curves nicely?

It can sometimes be hard to judge whether an item fits correctly or not, and, I'm no expert myself, so it can be helpful to bring a friend along to give you feedback. Make sure this is a friend you can trust and feel comfortable with, and who knows how to offer negative feedback well. :)

Once you've decided to buy the clothes, try them on again at home before taking off the tag (if you bought from online, this is a given!). You might notice some issues you didn't catch at the store, such as holes or poorly sewn seems. Another option is to keep the tags on for a week before making the final decision, especially if money is tight. No need to waste money on clothes you're never going to wear! 

Finally, once you've cut those tags, make sure you follow the cleaning instructions well! Lots of clothes require a gentle-cycle wash. If your washer does not have this type of cycle, invest in a couple mesh bags to wash those delicate clothes in. This protects them from getting pulled out of shape. Also, hang dry any clothes you're afraid might shrink, even a little bit. You want to make sure those clothes fit exactly the same as when you first bought them!

If you follow all these steps, you will have an outstanding wardrobe that will look great and last!

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